Catholic Sunday School

Catholic Sunday School Class

What is Catholic Sunday School Called?

Sunday School is a term that refers to taking part in religious education classes on Sundays. For Catholics, children often go to CCD classes (also called "Religious Education Classes" or "Faith formation classes") on Sundays or a different day of the week. Learn more about CCD classes on our page: Catechism Questions and Answers. For adults looking to convert, they go to RCIA classes. The term "Sunday school" is not a precise term and can refer to either classes for children or adults.

Why Study Religion on Sundays?

On Sundays, we have a responsibility by virtue of the 3rd Commandment to keep holy the Lord's Day. This means we are required to go to Mass each Sunday of the year. Failure to do so is a mortal sin (unless you are sick or have no means to get to Mass even after great effort is made to go). And we also have an obligation on Sundays to refrain from all manual work. It is a sin to mow our lawns, paint, shop at the mall, work in a manual profession or one that doesn't involve the public good on Sundays. For example, it is not acceptable to work on Sundays as a painter, an accountant, a salesman, a cashier, etc. But it is okay to be a police officer, a nurse, or another profession that has around the clock service, so long as you can still go to Mass.

In addition to the above, Sundays are the main day for us to focus on devotions, perform charitable works of mercy, visit cemeteries to pray for the dead, spend time with our families, and yes, study about our amazing religion that the Lord Jesus Christ Himself founded.

Catholic Sunday School Curriculum publishes a program called God's scholars which is an online based, self-study program for children from 1st through 8th grade. also produces various high school religion programs as well as adult religious education programs to aid as Catholic Sunday School Programs.

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