How to Teach RCIA

Baptism Classes


Teaching RCIA Matters. Souls Are At Stake

Teaching the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) involves guiding individuals through the process of becoming fully initiated members of the Catholic Church. Since there is no salvation outside of the Catholic Church, those who guide souls through RCIA have an awesome responsibility to aid in the salvation of souls. Those who teach RCIA should be well informed on the Faith and should pray each and every day to be effective teachers. Whereas before the mid-1900s it was common for only priests to guide souls through RCIA, it is now common for even lay Catholics to engage in this spiritual work of mercy. But without adequate training, souls could be lost. As such, here are some principles and suggestions to keep in mind to be effective at teaching RCIA today:

12 Tips for Effectively Teaching RCIA

1. Get to know the individuals in your RCIA class: Understanding their backgrounds, experiences, and reasons for seeking initiation will help you tailor your approach to meet their specific needs. St. Paul famously asserted that he became “all things to all people” to save as many as possible. We must do the same by adapting our teaching styles, our resources, and our schedules to do so. We do not and can not change the Catholic Faith. But we can change our method of delivery to be more effective.

2. Establish a Welcoming Environment: Create a warm and welcoming atmosphere where participants feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and asking questions. Foster a sense of community among the group. This can be done in both in-person and virtual RCIA classes. Even those who are going through RCIA online through our excellent RCIA course can and should be taught about the importance of frequently attending Mass, participating in regular devotions at the parish, meeting others in the parish community, and being an active member of the parish family.

3. Provide Clear Faith Formation: Clearly explain the tenets of the Catholic faith, the sacraments, and the teachings of the Church. Use language that is accessible to those who may be new to Christianity or Catholicism. But do not shy away from teaching the fulness of the Faith.

4. Use a Variety of Teaching Methods: People have different learning styles, so incorporate a variety of teaching methods such as lectures, group discussions, activities, and visual aids. This helps keep the sessions engaging and caters to different learning preferences. This is just one of the reasons our online RCIA class is so effective.

5. Encourage Questions. Be Flexible and Responsive: Create an environment where questions are encouraged and welcomed. This helps participants deepen their understanding and overcome any doubts or uncertainties. Be open to adapting your teaching approach based on the needs and feedback of the participants. Flexibility allows you to address the unique concerns and interests of the group. But also speak to people outside of the group since not everyone is comfortable speaking up in front of others.

6. Be Faithful to the Deposit of Faith: Emphasize the importance of Scripture in Catholic teachings. Connect key concepts to relevant passages from the Bible to help participants see the biblical foundations of Catholic beliefs. And emphasize the use of classical catechisms and theological texts that teach in clear and no uncertain terms the Catholic Faith. For those new to the Faith, “This is the Faith” by Canon Francis Ripley and the Baltimore Catechism #3 are great starting points. They are both used in our online RCIA Course.

7. Incorporate Prayer and Reflection: Integrate prayer and reflective practices into your sessions. This helps participants develop a personal relationship with God and deepens their spiritual journey. Knowing the Faith is essential but only one part of the process. Students need to also learn how to pray. Why and How do you pray the Rosary? What is mental prayer and how is it done? These and many more questions will need addressed. Starting and ending each session in prayer will be very effective – especially if it can involve prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. Emphasize the importance of personal piety and devotion to saints as integral to the Catholic faith.

8. Celebrate Liturgical Seasons: Align your teaching with the liturgical calendar, incorporating discussions about the significance of various seasons and feasts. Attention should be especially made to highlight the importance of Advent and Lent as times of penance and preparation. Allow participants to experience and understand the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, as they progress through the RCIA process. Consider supplementing your texts with liturgical year themed lessons.

9. Provide Resources: Offer supplementary resources, such as books, articles, or online materials, to support participants in their learning journey. Encourage them to explore additional resources on their own from trusted and faithful Catholic sources. One easy way to start is to encourage people to pray their basic prayers and learn them by heart using our audio prayer resources.

10. Address the Importance of Tradition: Stress the importance of Tradition in the transmission of Catholic teachings. Highlight the continuity of beliefs and practices that have been passed down through the centuries as an essential aspect of Catholic identity.

11. Reinforce the Authority of the Magisterium: Emphasize the authority of the Magisterium in teaching and interpreting the deposit of faith. Help participants understand the role of the Church hierarchy in preserving doctrinal orthodoxy.

12. Maintain a Sense of Sacredness and Holiness: Cultivate a sense of sacredness in your sessions, mirroring the reverence and solemnity associated with Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass . Encourage a spirit of awe and humility in approaching the mysteries of the faith. We must be uncompromising in doctrine but unblemished in our conduct and in our acts of charity to God and to neighbor. Souls will only after great labor be converted by our work with apologetics. But souls will in only a few moments be lost if they see us living out a life that is not unblemished and in perfect conformity to the Faith we profess. Keep this in mind in all of your actions – no matter how small in public – souls can be lost by scandal. And let us never have this sin on our souls.

Explore Our Online RCIA Course has developed a best-selling online Adult Faith Formation course that has served hundreds of converts since we launched it in 2010. Our Adult Faith Formation Program fulfills the requirements of RCIA classes by covering the Holy Scriptures (Old & New Testament), the Theology of the Mass & the Sacraments, the Articles of the Creed, Christian Morality, the Ten Commandments, and Prayer. It combines Catechism passages, writings of the Church Fathers, Scripture, activities, and prayers in a unique seven-step format that has been highly effective. Remember that St. Paul became all things to all people to save as many as possible. Adapt your RCIA needs and include our online RCIA curriculum where appropriate. We are the oldest online RCIA course and the foremost experts in online Catholic education. We are here to help you be effective at teaching RCIA!